
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Get it Done Construction, L.L.C.

Say wwwwhhhhhhaaaaaatttttt?.....

Yep. Tan and I decided to start our own business! It took a lot of decision making, time, and faith haha but we did it.  I filled out all the paperwork for him to start- and the State of Idaho accepted our business proposal name.

"Get It Done Construction, L.L.C."
He and I thought it was quite clever. And it's totally tanner- so we just couldn't resist.

It's always been tanners 'dream' to be a general contractor and build homes.  So...he is fulfilling his dream. And we are hoping and praying that it succeeds :) Right now he wants to start out slow by doing remodels, Sheetrock, framing, door jams, etc.  And also woodworking. Making Kitchen tables, end tables, entertainment centers, beds, etc.  He's pretty excited about this- and he's already done 2 remodels in the last 2 months.  I'm a proud wife.  And proud owner's wife of a whole bedroom full of stinky tools :)
We took a big leap and quite the risk- but Tan is pretty darn excited about it.  I mean, he already owns pretty much all the tools he needs to be a contractor.'s to our new 'Get it Done Construction' adventure! Here's some pics of my studly hubby doin his thang.

 Finishing my parent's basement bedroom.
                      This is his new baby. And nope- it doesn't exactly fit in our apartment. haha.

Looks like I'm still stickin to what I said ever since I was little:
"I want to marry someone who will build my house." :)  

Yep. I'm a proud wife.


  1. We've got our upstairs to frame out and sheetrock...i know where to look for some help with that now... oh and this is Braden... i just use Sierra's account :)

  2. oh nice! yeah give him a call! I'm sure he'd love to.
