
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

17 weeks

March  11-18

Last week I had some BADDD migraines. Not fun. and BAADDD heartburn.  One of the main things that keeps me positive is having the mindset that I could have it a lot worse.  My neighbor right now has 2 little girls, and has told me about her pregnancies.  With both of them, she had to be hospitalized, and receive IV's each week so she could keep getting nutrients.  I have it easy peasy compared to that. I can't even imagine.

I do have to say that everything has gone amazing so far. Really. Besides the fact that I've gained 10 lbs already, my clothes don't fit, I'm hungry all the time, headaches, heartburn, it really isn't that bad.  Watching your body transform to bring a baby into this world has brought a whole new perspective to me.  It makes me more grateful for the body that I do have, and for my mom- who basically risked her life to get me here.  Pregnancy is an amazing thing. It's frustrating at times to not be able to fit into your clothes or feel fat all the time- but it's worth it to me already.  Our bodies are amazing- the things they can do.

The doctor said I should be able to feel movements between 18-22 weeks and I'm 18 weeks 1 day we'll see.  I've felt some weird twitches and flutters in my stomach but I'm not sure if that's baby or just twitches :) I can't wait for that day. I'm sure it will be bittersweet.

Baby:  is now the size of  an onion.
Fun fact: she is growing stronger, and focusing on growing a thicker umbilical cord.
Craviings: Last week I craved salty still.  I ate a lot of salty things last week :)

I bought a stroller- and I got a wicked deal on it. I'm quite proud. I found it off a blog that had things
for sale. I only payed $40 bucks for it- and she said she loved it but only used it for 2 months! stellar
right? That's how I roll. My next project: to find a car seat that will attach to it.

Our appointment is in 2 weeks from yesterday- we can't wait. This has seriously been a huge test for
our patience hahaha.  We just want to know for sure what this cute little onion is already!!

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