
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, about a lot of things.  Life isn't always easy, but it is always worth it.  I have realized the past month that the Lord truly knows each and every one of us.  He knows when we are struggling, He knows our thoughts and intents, He know us all individually, and He loves us all unconditionally. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have that my Savior loves me, and He knows me personally.  I have really come to the realization the past month that the gospel is true.  I really don't know where I would be without it.  The peace and joy that the gospel brings cannot be replaced by anything else.  It is what brings true happiness, and it really is what this life is all about. I am so incredibly grateful for trials.  Some people might think this is just crazy but I really am grateful for the trials that I have.  Without trials, we wouldn't recognize the good in our lives.  Trials and hardships help me recognize the positive things in my life, instead of focusing on the negative. It's hard to think of the more positive things sometimes, but I am learning to do this. Every day I am reminded how good my life is, and how blessed I am.  I am grateful for all 4 of my siblings, their spouses, all of my nieces and nephews, my parents, and especially my husband.  My husband is my rock, and he helps me more than he knows.  Marriage is the biggest blessing, and I'm so grateful I found Tanner when I did. I've had a lot of trials in the past year, some big, some small.  But it's how we choose to react to those trials that makes us who we are.  We can either choose to react negatively, or positively, and I choose positively!  I'm so grateful for this gospel, and especially for the Atonement.  I have seen the Atonement take affect in my life the past year, and I am so grateful for it.  I'm grateful for my Savior, that he sacrificed so much for ME, so that I can return to live with Him someday.  I'm grateful for eternal marriage, and the knowledge that I have that families can be together forever.  I love my family, and I want them all to know that. Life is about TIME, and that's all I need is T.I.M.E. (Together In Making Eternity). Life is good- find something to smile about! :)

1 comment:

  1. Special thoughts, feeling and testimony from a very special daughter. Thank you Maddie. I have been edified.
