
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 21, 2012


So....I know every woman out there thinks they have the best husband in the world.  But I think after reading this post, we all would agree that MADDIE STEVENS has the best husband in the world.  There are many reasons why I do, but this is the most recent one.  A little background on this,  So  last night Tanner and i started watching Rango.  It's about a lizard, and it's hilarious.  Well, I got bored and started painting my toenails.  Without saying anything, Tanner took off his socks, put his feet up by mine and said, "paint mine."  I just kind of stared at him like are you serious?  But...I didn't hesitate, and I got right on it!!  I painted them pink and purple with a cute little message on them.  I was laughing my head off the whole time because I kept wondering why he was letting me do this. hahahahahahahaha oh my heck so funny.  When I finally let him look, he died.  As I'm sure you can imagine.  But, we went to bed and he didn't ask me to take it off.  Now ladies- if you have a husband like mine- you know he's a keeper.  hahahaha I love him so stinking much!  Anyway, here are some pictures:

                                                                   Here's HIS toes
                                                                And here's mine.
                                  This is true love. hahahaha. I just got 10 years when I                         show our kids my blog, what are they going to think?? BAHAHAHAHA


  1. haha funny! my husband came in to see me at school today and i gave him a pedicure and his toes are now lime green. haha and he loves them which is the best part. lol oh the things we do for love.

  2. When Calvin and I were dating, he let my roommates and I paint his FINGERnails and color his hair (this was the 80's...guys only permed their hair back then!)
    That's when I realized he was a "keeper."
