
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

So...this Halloween didn't exactly go as planned.  Tan and I invited his little sis Aubree and her boyfriend over to watch a scary movie and make Halloween truffles that night. Well, Aub got in a pretty bad accident and ended up in the E.R. I got a text from my mother-in-law that said that they were in the emergency room, and that Aubree got bucked off a horse. Her feet slipped out of the stirr-ups, and she landed on her hip and head.  She started seizing and the ambulance rushed to her. So I rushed up to the hospital as soon as I could, and me and her boyfriend pulled up at the same time.  He was a mess.  I gave him a hug, I felt like he could use it.  The nurse wouldn't let us back because it was too crowded. So we were left with nothing, except that Aubree was really hurt. Finally they let us back there, and said all the x-rays came back fine, there was no internal bleeding, just a bad concussion and some bruising.  WHAT A BLESSING.  I was really nervous not going to lie.  Tanner called me and thought that she was for sure going to have some brain damage.  That really scared me, I must've said a billion prayers in a half hour. The nurses all said that Aub got really lucky.  Such a blessing that she is okay, love ya Aubs!

We all went out to the Stevens just to be with Aub to make sure she was alright. We watched a scary movie called, "Mama," and I made homemade bread. yum.

Oh, I can't even explain how grateful I am that nothing serious happened to Aub.  I was so nervous, and after what Tanner said I just couldn't let that happen to her. SOOO glad she's okay. God lives, and He definitely saved Aubree's life yesterday.

Happy Halloween!

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