
We are still in love

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Marriage & Family

So... I am a very emotional person.  When I see someone I love crying, I will, without a doubt start crying. Even if I don't know why they are crying.  It's odd, but it's just what happens so I just embrace it! haha.  Anyway, so Tan and I moved into a new apartment August 1.  We needed something a little bigger, and needed something a little cooler.  (never ever again moving into a 3rd floor apartment. lesson learned...haha) With moving comes a new ward, new neighbors, new experiences, new everything. Tanner and I 'tested the waters' and went to the family ward one sunday, and the married ward another sunday.  We felt very welcome in both of them, but heard some very innapropriate and odd things in fast and testimony meeting in the married ward, so...we went for the family ward again.  Well the second time we met, one of the members of the bishopric came straight towards us after sacrament meeting, and he was so cordial and invited us to stay in the ward. One other night our upstairs neighbor came down at 11 pm just to introduce himself and let us know that if we needed anything he was just upstairs.  Such nice people. The past 3 sundays in our new ward have been very special to me.  It was like all the speakers were telling me what I needed to hear. Every single talk for the past 3 weeks have been on family, but more importantly marriage, and how we can strengthen our marriages and families.

Yesterday in Sacrament meeting, the opening song was Families Can Be Together Forever.  I started bawlin like a little baby....haha I looked over at Tanner and my eyes were just filled with tears.  He was probably wondering what in the heck was wrong with me :)  On top of being super emotional all the time, the darn clomid pills don't help in that area one bit!  What can I say, I'm a woman. Anyway, the words and the music just really struck me!  I felt the spirit so strong, and more especially God testifying to me what a blessing families and marriage is. Families are so important, and I am so blessed to have the families that I do.  More especially I am grateful to have the family that Tanner and I started 2 years ago.  One of the speakers gave a talk that I LOVED!  He called it "the 4 cancers of marriage."

1. CONTENTION- Satan wants all of us to fight, and to contend one with another about stupid things.  Tanner and I have caught ourselves fighting about things that don't even matter.  We end up laughing about it later, but it's not worth it to fight with each other about dumb things.
2. COMPLAINING- the gentlemen that spoke brought up a good point that everyone needs to vent once in a while.  Venting is okay, but when it becomes a constant thing, where no positive words are coming out of your mouth, ever, then we've got a problem.
3.I can't remember the last two!!
4. :(

I started reading this book the other day- it's called "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  I'm loving it so far, and Tanner is even reading it with me! HA imagine that! I didn't even ask him to read it with me- but he's lovin it.

I've realized since we've moved into this new ward that marriage is a blessing from God, to us.  Sometimes I stress about stupid things that aren't even worth stressing about, but God always has a way of telling me that life right now is wonderful, and it could be a lot more stressful than it is. The world is a stressful place, but we've gotta make time for our marriages and our spouse. Tanner and I really enjoy the time that we get to spend together.  Weekends are what we thrive on.  Without weekends I'd seriously be a mess!

To sum this all up, the Lord really knows what I have been needing to hear.  I've been praying about specific things lately, and I just now have realized that my answers have come in this new ward that we're in.  They haven't come abruptly, but they've come, and I've felt the spirit so strong the past couple sundays.  I'm grateful that God hears and answers my prayers.  He doesn't always answer them how I think or hope, but when I open myself up to him, he opens himself up to me and pours his blessings upon me. What a blessing.  This gospel is amazing.

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