
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tanner + Maddie = LOVE


Well, it's our first valentines day together!   Last week Tanner came home from a day in Idaho Falls with his mom and sisters and surprised me with something I've been wanting since I was born.  MY OWN PAIR OF SNOWPANTS!  I've always had hand-me-downs, which have always been the 'bib' kind...which i hate.  I kept ranting and raving to Tanner how we should save some money so I can actually have my own snowpants.  haha.  Anyway, he came home one day and totally surprised me with my very own pair of normal snowpants.  I was pretty excited..and they matched perfectly with my coat.  He said that was his valentines gift to me :) such a sweet son of a gun.

Since it was our first Valentines Day together as a married couple, I wanted to make it special for tan-my-man.  We both had pretty busy days, which stunk, but i still did what I could to try to make it special for him.  The whole week i had been thinking about it, and what I could do that he would love.  I found some cute ideas on pinterest, one of which was to 'make your own love coupons.'  So...I did that.  Those turned out to be a hit ;)  Before he got home from school, I made our bed and put a bunch of presents for him on the bed. I got P.S. I love you, Unknown, and some other confidential things :) I put almond kisses all over the bed, as well as butterfingers, which he loves to snack on.  Oh ya and he is addicted to Mountain Dew....kind of a I got him a entire liter.  Yeah I'm a great wife.  You think I would be helping him stop his addiction??...haha well it was 50 cents...and valentines day :)  I made a delicious dinner....and we ate it under candlelight.  That was fun, something we've never done before.  Tanner loves, LOVES i surprised him with a pan of chocolate dipped strawberries.  When he saw them in the fridge he just looked at me with a huge smile :)  The rest of our evening was just so fun.  We decided we are the weirdest couple ever.  But that's what keeps our love alive right?? :)