
We are still in love

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

RIP Seth Potter!

On December 16, 2014 one of my all time favorite people passed away. Seth has always been a good family friend, and an even closer friend to me.  When I went to Europe with my dad, Seth and his brother Joe and I got really close, and hung out the whole time. Their laughs I beg to say are what got me laughing as hard and as loud as I do.

There's just something about Seth Potter that just brightens the room. I wish I could post a video on here of his laugh, but Blogger won't let me :(      Well most of you know my laugh- just imagine that times 10. Really. You couldn't NOT laugh when you were around him.  He had a way of making everyone feel loved, and like you were his best friend. Definitely a quality I want to have.

I could go on and on about how special of a person Seth was, but I won't. or I'll bawl.
He got in a motorcycle accident on the highway, and it wasn't looking good. He suffered severe brain trauma, and was in a coma for I think 8 days? The doctors wouldn't allow anyone to go in the room to see him, because it was that bad.

I felt very strongly that I should go to his funeral.  It was in Wyoming, and was a 6 hour drive. Tanner was so supportive and came with me. We made a fun road trip out of it :)  It was so good to see his family, and to just give them the biggest hug that I could. Even though things were so sensitive and tragic, they were still laughing their heads off through the line :)

It was very interesting to see Seth in his coffin.  It didn't look like him at all, and he was just lifeless.  They put so much make-up on him that he looked like a totally different person.  They had him dressed in his temple clothes, and he looked so peaceful.

Seth Potter-such a wonderful person. I'm sure God has things in store for him up in Heaven- probably to laugh and touch more people's lives on the other side :)
I will miss you Seth!!! Thanks for the memories you and I made together, and for touching SO many people's lives. You are loved!!

                                                                  Love you my friend!

1 comment:

  1. It is rare to see the impact that one person can have on so many. He will be sorely missed by so many. When I hear you I will think of him.....sometimes!
