
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 11, 2016

New Years/ Gracie is 9 months old!!

For new years my 2 brothers came into town!!
We played in the snow, played lots and lots of fun games, laughed our heads off playing pie face, ate lots of crap, ate lots of yummy food, made gyoza, had a glow stick dance party, and more!!  I love when family comes into town. and I love that my mom can cook delicious food. it's a win-win situation :) I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did when we played pie face!! my dad was the funniest one. He had a bad attitude about the game and so of course he got the pie in his face. it was so funny. Us adults stayed up way too late playing games. so worth it though!
Here's pics of PIE FACE!!!

As you can see it's a must game for everyone. never laughed so hard in my life.

We spent a couple of days out at Tanner's house as well. His brothers came into town too. His mom is also an amazing cook! gives me a break from cooking. We went snowmobiling, sledding, played in the snow, and we took gracie on a fun little sled ride up and down their lane. she just layed there so content for about 40 minutes! haha. we also played a hilarious game with his family called, 2 truths and a lie. DEFINITELY one of my new faves!! it's super funny and really gets you going on which family members you do and don't know.

I love my 2 families so much. I feel so blessed to have the siblings that I do. i love that I can call any one of them out of the blue and it's like we talk every day. I'm lucky to have my mom and dad so close to us!
I'm also so blessed with the inlaws that I have. They always strive to make everyone feel welcome and their house is always open to anyone and everyone. Tanners siblings are also awesome. I get along with them great. BLESSINGS.
Tanner and I have made some pretty great goals this year. can't wait to see what we accomplish in 2016!!

Gracie turned 9 months old yesterday. She is GROWING SO FAST!!!!! it is so crazy.

At 9 months:
-she is in size 3 diapers
-she is too small for 9 month clothes but too big for 12 month. so.....we hang em loose :)
-she loves all food. we haven't found anything she doesn't like yet. we even fed her a lemon and she didn't even pull a face!
-she weighs 18 lbs.
-she is crawling everywhere and is so fast!
-she loves getting into anything and everything that she can find
-she loves standing up and wants to walk SO bad! she gets frustrated that she can't :)
-she loves her daddy still. when he gets home from work she gets the biggest grin on her face
-loves shrugging her shoulders. it's the cutest thing.
-she's a babbler and copies mom and dad
-she's getting sick of her toys
-she HATES cuddling
-she loves splashing water everywhere in the bathtub
-she still loves starsky but tries to suck on his tail!!!
-she recently started making this hilarious scrunched up face! I don't know where she learned it but it cracks me up
-she has 2 TEETH!!! they poked through at about 8.5 months
-she started full on crawling at 8.5 months too!

-she got super sick this past week. it was so heart wrenching for both tanner and I to see her be so miserable. We spent many many nights staying up with her, rocking her, cuddling, wiping up throw up, changing her bum a lot, and just trying to comfort her. I ended up taking her to the Dr. 3 times because it was so bad. She had diarrhea for a week and it got so bad that she developed a NASTY bum rash. At first I thought it was just a diaper rash so i applied the necessary cream. but then it got worse, and worse, and worse. It started to blister and turn purple and bleed. So I got prescribed 2 different creams and it cleared up in about 3-4 days.  turns out it was a yeast infection. We spend many hours laying on the floor with her bum in the air with a blow drier on it. She seemed to like that. But you can imagine with diarrhea....yeah not fun :( For 2 days the poor girl couldn't even sit down. I'd sit her down to play and she's just look at me and tears would well up. She would moan and groan all night, we could tell her tummy hurt. she woke up 5 days in a row covered in throw up. We thought maybe it was a reflex thing so we elevated her head at night, but then she still threw up. Still haven't figured that one out, but she stopped throwing up YESTERDAY finally :)  I've learned through this situation that wow. babies are so helpless. they really do need their mom and dad for everything. and ESPECIALLY when they're sick. I felt SO SO bad for her, I would just hold her at wee hours of the morning and just cry. just pray for some help to know what to do for her. it was pretty scary and she lost 4 lbs during all that because she wouldn't eat! she was strictly on pedialyte for like 2 days cuz she couldn't keep anything down. But anyway- finally today she's acting more normal and I'm super excited to get to play with her again.

-since she's been sick, she realized that she could roll over in her crib and sit up!! hahaha very frustrating for mom and dad, but we got good laughs out of it. I went in there at 3 am once cuz she was crying, and she was just siting there staring at me. Since she's been sick too, she's loved sleeping on her tummy.. she won't sleep unless it's on her tummy now.
-she still loves her pinky. however I'm only trying to give it to her at nap time, bedtime, and when she's sick or crying and won't stop for a long time.
-she now rolls over on her own!! super weird, but she never would roll over on her own until about 8.5 months old.
-we do a daily ritual of baby signing time! she's learned to sign bird :) we are working on more  and milk right now!

I could go on and on but those are some of the fun things she's learned to do over the last month! she is a sweetheart, but also has some spunk in her. it's fun seeing her personality change and come out every month.  I can't even imagine next month she'll probably be walking!!

Here's some of my favorite pics of her the past month:

here was a fun photo shoot we had one day. she was melting me with her cute personality.

 oh my land. this one is my FAVORITE!!! she's such a doll.

 hahahaha this face cracked me up!!

Here's that hilarious scrunched up face...

New years eve fun!

 she will only stand up in the tub now! crazy girl.

 this was the FIRST TIME SHE STOOD UP!!! she loves this toy so much. definitely a good purchase.

 starsky things it's cool to sit on her in the car.

 she thinks she's a dog?

 fun in the snow!

 oh my heck. this picture is worth a thousand words. we thought it would be funny to prank my mom and show up to her house with this bow on gracie. my mom hates baby bows hahahaha. Gracie wasn't quite sure what to think and we got a good reaction out of my mom!!


 I love this picture so much!!

 cousin time with Aiden!

These are her sick pictures. so so sad. Tanner was so patient and helped me take care of her.

 so miserable.

I haven't really documented much of her sleep habits. THIS SCARES ME SO BAD. she always ends up asleep like this. She has to rub her eye with her blankie in order to fall asleep, and she has to fall asleep to a bottle. I will check on her multiple times a night to make sure she's still breathing. silly girl. we've started to only put this elephant silky thing in her crib with her so she can still rub it on her eye but not suffocate.

her head was on the complete opposite side when i played her down. and she was on her back. I went in to check on her and she had totally turned over and gone to the foot of her bed! silly. maybe I'm looking at a stomach sleeper now.

I love you gracie girl!! stop growing up. Jk you can keep growing up just remember how much your mamma loves you.

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