
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Paul Bunyan Days

So every year around September, Tanner and all his brothers get together with their dad and do what they call...."Paul Bunyan Days." So they go into the forest by their house, chop down a bunch of trees, take them home, and cut them all up into logs to prepare for the cold of winter. I'll tell you what- Tanner was like a little boy on Christmas morning waiting to open the first present.  He was so excited for this that it was just downright cute. It was fun to see all the men just 'be men.'  Tanner was cracking me up.  The faces he pulls, and the jokester that he is is exactly why I married him.  He's my transportable comedian. (so he calls himself.) hahaha.  Anyway, so the guys spent the majority of the day doin their thing, and us women cleaned the house, made dinner, and played with the kiddos.

So Tan and I thought it would be fun to camp out in our new tent that we got.  Well...plans sort of changed when we were both laying there at midnight hearing all sorts of noises.  However, Tanner was more nervous than I was! It was hilarious. So...we packed up our things and went in the house to sleep without creepy noises. Once we got in the house, I was curious as to why Tan was so nervous because he's usually not.  He then decided to tell me that earlier in the week, Ty & Aubrey saw a grizzly, and Aub got bucked off her horse...  Oh wait. there's more.  He then told me that a man in Ashton left his garbage out on his porch, and in the morning, he goes out to dump it and finds a GRIZZLY BEAR WHO CHARGED HIM INTO HIS HOUSE!!! haha yeah okay, so had I known these two crazy stories, I would've been a little freaked out as well.

So long, farewell, Paul Bunyan Days! Until next year...

picture overload:
                                    Okay I hate his mustache. He loves it more than me.

                                                     This cracks me up! hahahaha

Look at my husbands rage. glad he took it out on the wood and not me :)

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