
We are still in love

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your Happily Ever After

I've had a really rough time sleeping through the night the past couple weeks.  Due to throwing up, throbbing headaches, pain and discomfort, it hasn't been what I would call, fun.  I just woke up about an hour ago due to these things, and I am just exhausted.  This past couple weeks has been. . . . draining to say the least.  But I know when it's all said and done I'll look back and think that I'm a tough cookie. haha. During the past week as I've been trying to stay positive and upbeat, my wonderful hubby says to me, "You're my little trooper you know that."  Such comforting words.  As I have tried to find some strength this morning, I just came across this talk by Elder Uchtdorf.  It's called, "Your Happily Ever After." It was just really fitting, and I loved it.

Here's the link:

I can't help but laugh when I see something like this. 



  1. Your smile and laughter, like the above smiley face, will return...have no fear! Stay strong and positive for yourself and for your "happily-ever-after! Loves

  2. Hang in there, Miss Mads! It's tough right now, but like Jilly-Billy up there says, the smile will return. You are loved by a gazillion people who pray for you and want only good things for you! I'm top of the list!
