
We are still in love

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

The results

Well, the results of my colonoscopy came back, and they were all negative.  My doctor said he took biopsies of my large and small intestines, and took some from other random places just to see if anywhere showed anything abnormal.  The results were....nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Ya know, when we got the results, Tanner and I went to speak with the doctor, and he told us that everything looked normal and nothing looked wrong.  I was so confused.  I have had some of the worst stomach pain and have just been miserable for the last little could everything be normal? It was frustrating for me. It was good news that they didn't find anything serious like Chrones disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but at the same time, I wish they would've found something, just so I would know what step to take next.  Oh well, I've just told myself to keep trucking along, and everything will be okay.

I've been thinking about a lot of different things lately.  One of them being that maybe stress is what's causing my stomach aches, or maybe im worrying too much about things, I don't know.  For all I know, it could be stress, I could be worrying too much about everything, it could be a lot of things. While growing up, I realized I never really did well with CHANGE.  Change can sometimes be huge, and sometimes be small.  Well, the biggest change in a persons life happened to me 5 months ago. M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E. one day you are single, and the next day you are married, it is weird to think about!! It is so wonderful, it is so hard, it is so rewarding, it is so life-changing, and so many other things.  Marriage is a huge step in life and let me tell you what....a LOT of things change when you get married.  Just things you aren't used to is all.  Let me name some things that have been a "change" for me in the last 6 months. Just for the fun of it.  And just so you single people can see how much your life changes when you get married!

1. Getting used to having someone else in your bed.  and not just someone else...A MAN!  Haha i love it though.  Waking up to the one you love's face every morning is special :)
2.Cooking dinner every night.  Before I got married, I never really had any 'interest' in cooking.  I loved to bake, but cooking wasn't really my thing.  I love it now.
3. Having one car, for 2 people.
4.You now pay ALL of the bills. Gas, electric, both phones, groceries, car payment, gas, entertainment, rent...oh boy does that add up!
5. You now have 2 families.  Trying to balance family activities equally has been difficult for us! especially when our families live 40 minutes away.
6. Having a budget.  It is SUPER hard trying not to spend too much money. and not going over your limit!
7. Filing your own taxes. HAHA!!! this was a struggle for us since neither of us have done it by ourselves before.
8. Before I got married, I always imagined my husband cuddling up to me in bed.  It was like a life-long dream of mine.  Tanner did it for the first week of marriage. Well, after about a week, that all stopped, and now we have to negotiate before he cuddles with me.
9.  Settling little arguments.  This is a big one.  I hate knowing that i offended someone, or hurt someone.  When you get married, it seems like sometimes the 'smallest' things bother each other! It's hilarious.  Sometimes when Tanner or I is bothered about something, we just laugh our heads off and realize how silly we are being!  And other times when the argument is a little big bigger, it's not like you can just leave and go home! because that IS your home, and you live with that person!  But eventually you make up because you realize you love them and you are married to them forEVER.
10.Getting to know and truly understand your other half.  Tanner and I were talking about this tonight and we came up with the conclusion that it is going to take our whole lives until we have each other figured out.  It's quite comical, but fun at the same time.
11. Once you get married, it's like your friends disappear.  This one has been hard for both Tanner and I.
12. keeping up with the dishes, cleaning the house, and doing the laundry.  Oh my- this was a huge change!
13. Making the bed every morning. I hate being messy.  I've always been a clean person, and I like to keep it that way! So when you live with someone who doesn't really care as much as you do, it becomes a struggle.  A funny/silly struggle.

There's many more, but all in all, Marriage is the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's just such a huge change at first. It is such a blessing to know you are sealed to the one you love and that you get to live with them FOREVER! Forever is such a powerful word, it makes me all warm inside whenever I hear it.  Maybe this whole marriage thing has caused stress to create my stomach aches, maybe it hasn't.  I guess I will never know.  But all I know is that marriage is a wonderful blessing, and I feel so blessed to be married to tanner for the rest of my life. One thing I always try to tell myself is this: Whenever you get caught thinking about all the hard things about marriage, think of twice as many wonderful things about marriage that make it all worth it.


  1. LIKE! What a great post Maddie.

    And sorry you didn't get any answers from the test results...but I think it means you're supposed to eat more chocolate. :)

  2. I love that you love each other and that you are taking the time to get to know each other. It has been 31 years for us and guess what.........still figuring things out! Love you both!
