
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 14, 2015

Gracie Marie- 5 months old!

I'm getting a little teary eyed typing this! haha. My little Gracie Goo is my favorite little girl ever. even though she's been a little stinker lately.... :) I love my days with her. Our days consist of lots of: -playing
-poopy diapers
-NOT taking naps
-jungle gym playing
-practicing rolling over. over and over :)

Gracie is so funny. her laugh is deep like mine and it's the cutest thing.  Her cry sounds the same as her laugh so sometimes we aren't sure if she's happy or sad. lately she's been a little stinker and not taking any naps during the day. when I do get her down, she sleeps for 10 minutes and then is awake. we do that about 4 times a day.  I'm going to start sleep training her soon :)

fun facts about gracie goo at 5 months:

-she goes to bed at 7:30 or 8 every night, and wakes up ON THE DOT at 7:15 every morning
-since my whole MRSA and scary ER thing, I had to keep gracie away from my chest for 10 days. I was pumping and dumping in hopes that she would breastfeed after I was done taking my antibiotics but after the 10 days she was used to bottles, AND my milk went bad. it was a really sad day for me haha. But oh well! formula is EXPENSIVE!! I still breastfeed her in the morning so that's our time to bond I guess.

-she is wearing size 2 diapers
-she weighs 15 lbs
-her head is still in the 90th percentile :)
-she is wearing 3-6 month clothes, and 6 month jammies.
-she LOVES blowing bubbles. it's hilarious
-she has zero interest in rolling over. haha.
-she loves her daddy.
-she still has to be swaddled to go to sleep....haha
-she can say mama. not sure if its intentional but it sure sounds like it!
-she's so smiley. whenever I'm at the store or out running errands she smiles at anyone thats looking at her
- she LOVES starsky. she giggles anytime she sees him. it's the cutest thing!
- she has to snuggle her face up to a blankie or have some of her face covered or she won't sleep.
-she loves baby food. so far she only likes squash and peaches though haha
-she's such a good baby. we definitely can't complain!!

ME 5 months postpartum?
-I am losing my clumps. and it is really awful!! I have a bald spot on my head so i wear my hair up more often than not. I hope this goes away soon!!
-I am 5 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight but my goal is to lose 15 more lbs!
-it is still hard for me to wear normal pants with my incision. some days its fine, but i find when I wear jeans, the incision tends to throb for the whole next day. can most likely find me in yoga pants haha. But that's ok- ill take em :)
-my body does not fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I swear i've got some new curves goin on. it's weird how much your body changes after having a baby! it's worth it though.

and lastly- of course here's Gracie's 5 month pic and some more for you to enjoy of the past month :)

I love that i get to spend my days trying to figure this little girl out. motherhood is really hard. but it is really fun. and really great getting to know her.
I'm quite sad because my old phone shattered and i couldn't get the pictures that were on it. so.....these are the only ones I have of her the past month. but better than none :)  Here's to the next month of you growing right before my eyes gracie goo!

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