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Friday, September 14, 2012

Time for a Change

Let's face it, life is hard.  We all know that, but it all depends on what we do with our life and what we make of it that makes it all worth it.  This semester, I had no idea what classes I wanted to take.  I'm still trying to decide between graduating with an Associates Degree, or if I should go on and get a Bachelors degree.  It is all up in the air for right now. Since I am in the process of figuring that out, I decided I would concentrate on other things in my life besides "figuring out my life" if that makes sense.  I'm taking a Building an Eternal Marriage class, and it is such an amazing class already.  We are required to read in our scriptures for an hour every day, and to write in a 'spiritual journal' while we read.  It is only the first week of doing it, and it has already made a huge difference.  My goals from now until the end of the year, (and for years to come haha) is to develop a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father, and become physically fit.  These are my goals:

1. Read in D&C every day for an hour.
2. Write spiritual insights in my journal every day.
3. Exercise 6 days a week. And to make this even better, i got saweeet shoes yesterday that i LOVE!  There's nothing better than exercising in shoes that you love right? bahaha.
4. Eat better.  More fruits and vegetables. Only one dessert a week.
5. Go to the temple more often.

I know that by achieving these goals, my marriage will be strengthened, my testimony will be strengthened, my confidence will be strengthened, and my relationships will be strengthened.

For now, those are my goals.  I want to change.  I'm going to change, and it is soooo going to be worth it.

" I never said it would be easy; I only said it would be worth it."
Mormon 4:11

And how is this all going to be possible?

Because of this man right here:


  1. Great goals! I miss the days when we could see the temple out our bedroom window. Now we drive almost 3 hours to get there. Take advantage of it! :)

  2. Good for you Maddie! I admire your determination and know that you have the capacity to achieve your goals. You have always been a fighter and a worker. Good Luck sweetie~
