
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 6, 2012

the grand....teton!

So my hubby is crazy I've decided.  He's become this wild hiker.  But not the way you think.  He doesn't just go on 10 mile hikes, or 2 mile hikes or anything like that.  He goes on 64 mile hikes, and hikes the grand teton! I will admit, he's a studmuffin, I know.  Anyway, he came home from both the hikes and was just miserable, and it was kind of funny, haha.  I was really worried about him hiking the grand, and i kept telling him over and over that I didn't think he should go.  But, men will be men, and he went anyway.  He came home and he said it was the hardest thing he's ever done, and he will never do that again. hahahaha. Anyway, i'm proud of him for hiking the grand!  I love his guts.  Here's a pic to show his insane accomplishment.


  1. Adam is duly impressed! Way to go Tanner!!

    Next time (and you know there WILL be a next time, Maddie), we think YOU should go with him! Woot woot!

  2. Go Tanner! Pretty awesome. I agree, I'm sure there will be a next time, and I'm also sure that Brett would jump right in there with him. He did hike mt. Timpanogos by moonlight when we were dating. I like em crazy...makes life exciting.
