
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 23, 2012

nieces and nephews

So....I found these videos and i just think they are so adorable.  I really miss my brothers and sisters, and have really been missing my nieces ad nephews!  Anyway, I don't have a video of Kate of Griffin yet, but I have videos of Courtney, Azely, and Jay.  Oh man, I just love them so stinkin much. I can't wait for the day when all of my siblings will be together.  Love you and miss you all!!

The first video is of Azely.  Every time I watch this I just can't stop laughing.  She is begging for a cookie, and no one seems to be listening to her.  Cracks me up.
The second video is of Jay singing with me.  I love singing with him.
The third video is of Wyatt.  Oh my, this was hilarious.  He was cracking me up!
And the last video is of Courtney when she was younger.  She's just a silly goose. :)
but I love them all so much!!!


  1. All of these babies are NOT babies anymore! They grow up too fast. Thanks for reminding me of their younger cuteness!

  2. That video of Azely makes me sad :( :( give the girl a cookie!

  3. I know they are all huge now! hahahaha that video of azely is sad but it cracks me up, all she wants was a cookie!!! haha
