
We are still in love

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I am a true believer

So, the first 5 months of mine and Tanner's marriage, I will admit, we were super lazy.  We would stay up until 3 in the morning watching prison break and other movies, sleep until 10 or 11 (oh my) and then waste our day doing silly things like facebook, watch movies, eat popcorn, go to school, etc.  We never did anything fun, exciting, uplifting, nothing.  We found ourselves getting into this hole where we started gaining weight.  and being lazy.  In high school, i LOVED staying up late and not going to sleep.  I've always been a party animal. hahaha. But now that I'm married, I'm realizing that that's not exactly the right way to live. My dad has always taught us to go to bed early, and to wake up early.  But none of us have ever believed him.  Well, now I'm starting to believe him.  In March-ish, I realized that we were really lazy, and that we both had gained weight.  Gaining weight is never attractive. haha.  Anyway, so we decided to make different goals for ourselves.  We decided to go to the temple at least once a month, exercise EVERY DAY, go to bed at the latest 11:30, actually cook dinner and cook healthy, not watch tv so much, and make more time to study for school.  Oh my lanta....I feel so much better!!! I love exercising every day, and especially because it's with my hubby.  We always glance at each other and wink haha and it just keeps me goin!  I have found that going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, and especially EXERCISING every day, has made both of us happier people, more alert, and we have more fun together!!  We are starting to realize how funny each other is, and we just have a ton of fun together.  It seems that now everything fits into our day that didn't used to.  It's kind of weird.  But, to sum this all up, I just want to say I'm a firm believer in exercising.  Not gonna lie, the first 2, even 3 weeks of exercising was NOT enjoyable.  Like at all.  I would feel like death during, and I would just fall and die after like 10 minutes of running.  Oh ya, I forgot.  I made a goal to not 'become a runner' but to 'become comfortable at running.'  My whole life I've felt like running is a weakness of mine, and I've always been a really slow runner.  So...I decided that running would be my goal for the year.  Become comfortable at it, and hopefully lose like 15 pounds.  Anyway, exercise isn't easy, but now after about a month and a half, I am actually starting to enjoy it.  And I've lost 4 pounds! Woohoo for exercise.  All of you out there that have ever felt like Tanner and I, lazy, and fat, you can change.  Because  if we are, so can you!!

 p.s. We made goals to look like this someday:

This is what Tanner wants to look like:

  And this......this is me. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. We'll let you know our progress.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said but I think the pictures are..... Well.....kind of....
    Interesting. Good luck you two. I admire your dedication and desire. Love you both.
