Gracie is almost 2- i can't believe it.
she is SUCH a crackup. If I could describe her in 1 word it would be- hilarious. She knows that she's a jokester and she totally knows how to get me to laugh. i LOVE her for that.
the past few months Gracie's vocabulary has BOOMED!! some of her daily sayings are:
"bless you mamma"
"hi starsky!"
"where'd dad-da go?"
"light it please?"
"ewwwww stinky bottoms"
"itsy bitsy spider..."
"I see you!"
"no-no starsky"
"no, no, stop it."
"oh my!"
"oh my goodness"
"oh my gooooossssshhh!"
I'm sure there's more too.
*She's so smart. everywhere we go people comment on how smart she is.
*She's still got 12 teeth- working on those canines though!
*she's very independent
* she's a determined thing! once she wants something she won't stop until she gets it.
*she loves baths still
*LOVES to sing lately. We've learned itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, hello hello, old macdonald, once there was a snowman, and probably some more I'm forgetting. oh rock a by baby. her favorite is itsy bits spider and loves it when we tickle her back while singing it.
*she loves to jump! we go to the Madison Gymnastics Center every thursday and she just jumps her heart out!
*she is OBSESSED with cats. i have no idea where it came from because i hate cats and am allergic!
* she's a crackup! seriously does hilarious things all day long
*loves throwing tantrums if she doesn't get her way
*loves trolls! every morning she insists she watch it before we get out of bed
*loves CHALULA HOT SAUCE!!!! oh my goodness this is hilarious- she has to have it on her eggs every morning!
*she loves to laugh. i suppose she got that from me :)
*she goes poop on the toilet! hasn't gone potty yet
*loves shoes
*loves grandma's rocking horse
*we started taking gracie swimming at our clubhouse and she LOVES it!
*she loves to sing. hearing her sing itsy bitsy spider is the cutest thing I've EVER HEARD
*loves her friends- tinnley and melody
*we go to gymnastics every thursday and she loves to jump around
*favorite thing is to help mommy "toot" (cook)
*she still enjoys to torture starsky. I've kind of given up in this area hahaha
*she loves going to visit grandpa at Albertsons and Grandma at the chocolate shop!
and as always here's some of my favorite pics of the last month with my Gracie!
This age is a challenge for me as her mom- but it's also SO FUN all at the same time. She's miss independent and doesn't like to be told what to do. so that's a challenge sometimes. BUT i really can't complain because she literally makes me laugh every single day. without fail. I told Tan the other day that God send her to me because he knew she'd make me laugh every day :) and it's so true.
She's such a goof and I think she knows it. She's also very polite and says please, thank you, and sorry. I love her SOOOO much and can't imagine my life without her.
Gracie goo- I love you!!
We took some family pics: here's a few of our faves :)